Greetings and Salutations Fellow Citizens of Gaea,
Welcome to the second edition of our new monthly newsletter which we are calling the Gaean (pronounced gee-uhn) Gazette. Each month we will be bringing you a new edition filled with news about what is happening behind the scenes here at RPG Storytelling, updates on our flagship product Myths of Gaea, spotlights on our players (we call them Champions) and other Gaean Artisans, and any other news that we feel is important to share with you.
If you haven't done so already, I encourage you to subscribe to our website so that you will be among the first to learn about the world of RPG Storytelling and Myths of Gaea. You will also be the first to hear about new products and services, livestreaming schedule updates, new videos uploaded to our YouTube page, and more. You can find the Subscription link at the bottom of this and every page of the RPG Storytelling website.
What you'll find in this month's Gaean Gazette:
Spotlight on Saoirse Deepwoods (Satyr Cleric)
Twitch & YouTube
Quotable Quips (silly comments and conversations from our livestreams)
Position & Policy following American Election 2024:
On November 5, 2024, millions of Americans took the opportunity to give voice to how they want the United States of America to be run for the next 2 - 4 years (depending on governmental office). In the days following that election, while many are cheering the victory of their choices, numerous others are experiencing and expressing a sense of existential dread about the prospects of the loss of their rights, freedoms, and safety over the next four or more years.

It is the policy of RPG Storytelling LLC as a company not to take sides in a political arena, but as individuals within the company, each person is encouraged to express what is important to them. It is very important to me as the Founder and CEO, and to RPG Storytelling LLC as a company, that every person should feel safe enough and comfortable enough to express who they, as well as their hopes, dreams, and even fears for their own future and the future of this beautifully diverse country of ours.
As a disabled veteran lesbian transgender woman, and as the Founder and CEO of RPG Storytelling LLC, I wanted to take a moment to officially present our position and policy in the aftermath of the 2024 Election cycle.
RPG Storytelling LLC is, and always will be, a SAFE SPACE for members of the LGBTQIA+, disabled, ethno-cultural, and other minority and traditionally marginalized communities. We will always do everything in our power to protect everyone's rights to live a safe, happy, and successful life. This is the official stance and policy of RPG Storytelling LLC and it will forever be an embedded quality of Myths of Gaea and any other properties or projects we choose to associate with.
As many of our friends, family, and colleagues belong to one or more of these marginalized and minority communities, we will always endeavor to ensure that each of our community members feels safe enough to be themselves.
Hate, prejudice, violence, and disrespect have no place in our organization. We will not work with or associate with any company or client where these aggressions (both minor and major varieties) are part of the entity's cultural norms.
We here at RPG Storytelling LLC believe that all humans, regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, culture, skin color, age, disability, or any other protected categories, have the right and freedom to practice and enjoy their various fandoms and interests without question, condemnation, or discrimination. We will never attempt to gatekeep who is able to enjoy our products and services, but at the same time, we will forever defend the right of every human to feel safe enough and free enough to be and express who they know themselves to be.
Myths of Gaea - Development Updates:
Every new product that has ever been sold throughout history has undergone a period of research and development. RPG Storytelling LLC's development of Myths of Gaea is no different.
Since Myths of Gaea takes place on an alternate reality version of our very own Earth (Gaea or Gaia is the ancient Greek name for Earth), it takes careful and patient work to craft, or rather re-craft, the various histories and mythologies of that have existed for several thousand years.
In drafting the creation story of the world of Gaea (Earth), we have chosen to reimagine the creation story as envisioned by the ancient Greeks. Namely, the appearance of the primordial goddess Gaea who gave birth to most of the Greek gods and goddess we know of today, the creation of humans, the greed and tyranny of the gods, the introduction of evils into the world through the opening of Pandora's Pithos (Box or Jar), and many of the stories that have brought fantastical narratives into our lives. We are even including the origin of guardian dragons and the various other humanoid and non-humanoid creatures that have become famous through various mythologies, legends, folklore, and games like Dungeons & Dragons.
We have also begun drafting the structure and missions of the organization we are calling the Lyceum of the Ancients. To give you a very brief introduction, the Lyceum of the Ancients is an organization that was developed to study the histories, technologies, and lore of the mythical lost city of Atlantis. But it was also tasked with investigating and studying the histories of other ancient civilizations around the world of Gaea.
Once we wrap up these two current topics of writing, we will begin detailing many of the known locations and landmarks that can be found around the continent of Haeslios (modern day British Isles). Other things that are currently on our agenda are:
creating a number of races/species and subclasses that players can select in the process of building their characters.
creating magical weapons, armors, other items that players (and NPCs) can utilize in the game.
creating a number of new creatures, monsters, and villains that players might encounter during their adventures.
finish drafting the numerous Celtic gods that will be included in our version of the Tuatha de Dannan.
Spotlight: Saoirse Deepwoods (Satyr Cleric of Danu)
For our very first character spotlight, we would like to introduce you to the awe-inspiring Saoirse Deepwoods. A very recent newcomer to the world of mortals, we here at RPG Storytelling LLC are very lucky to have been granted a rare interview with the satyr Cleric of Danu who is quickly stealing our hearts and inspiring our imaginations. Without further ado, here is a transcript of that amazing interview:
RPG-S: Welcome to RPG Storytelling, Saoirse. We are so very excited you agreed to this interview.
Saoirse: Oh wow, I am so excited to be here! Thank you for having me!
RPG-S: Let's start at the beginning. Would you be willing to tell us a little bit about your family? Maybe a little bit about your parents and do you have any siblings?
Saoirse: My mother Aoife is a Cleric of Danu like me. We work in the temple together serving our goddess. My father Eoghan and brother Liam are both Druids of the Circle of the Feywild. They protect our lands. I also have some close friends who I consider like family. I thought for a long time that my dear friend Greer had died and was fortunate enough to find her again.
RPG-S: That's wonderful that you were able to rediscover your friend. What was your homelife like in the land of Tír na nÓg? Did you live in the capital city of Avalon, or did you reside in another area of the Fae Realm? Are there any family traditions or notable stories you would be willing to share with us?
Saoirse: I did live in Avalon. I have missed the beautiful city while I have been adventuring, but I have also enjoyed seeing the world and being entrusted with such an important mission. My family has a delightful treehouse formed by a dryad - all of our construction is fae-made of course, but I really love dryad work, it is especially lovely. Every spring, Avalon has a flower festival that is so beautiful - the entire city blooms in every color you can imagine. It's my favorite time of the year, I go every year with my mom and I hope I can make it back to Avalon in time for the next one.
RPG-S: We have heard that have worked very hard to be a Cleric. Tell us about what led you to join the Temple of Danu and how you came to be a Cleric of the mother goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Were there specific tasks or duties you were expected to perform during your training to become a Cleric? What are some of your favorite things about being a Cleric of Danu?
Saoirse: Even though my mother is also a cleric in the temple, I did not have any favors or special treatment. I had to start at the beginning like everyone else. I know some might think that I only became a cleric because it is the family thing to do, but I love my goddess and I love serving her. As a young trainee, much of your time is spent maintaining the temples. Danu is a goddess of many things as our mother goddess and leader, and one of those things is beauty, so trainees keep her spaces beautiful. I'm sure it sounds like dull work to many but you can feel her approval of the work, and it feels so wonderful to do. By the way, she is also a goddess of love! That's one of my favorite ways to pray!
RPG-S: Aside from your time at the Temple, what did you like to do for fun? Were, or are, there any friends that you enjoyed spending time with outside of your training? Would you be willing to share any fond memories you have of your time spent with friends?
Saoirse: There are all sorts neat things to do in Avalon. My favorite is the hoof-folk obstacle course. Greer and I used to do Two-vs-Four-Footer races on that all the time. We also have some very romantic spaces for dates - lovely little two person river boats though the floral gardens which is one of my favorites, and many enchanting restaurants. I haven't been in any long term relationships but I have been on lots of dates, I think dating and getting to know people is really fun!
RPG-S: Let's talk about the present. Our readers would love to know what has brought you from the land of Tír na nÓg to our land of mortals? Are you here as a tourist? As a student? Or is there something more specific that has brought you to the mortal kingdoms of Haeslios?
Saoirse: I was assigned to a very special mission. Mortal people have been accidentally finding their way into Tír na nÓg at a rather alarming rate recently. Normally you have to have at least a little fae blood to open the doorway, or a fae has to give you an invitation charm. But something is allowing mortals to get in without these things and we haven't been able to figure it out from our side. So myself and three other clerics were sent to the mortal lands to spread out and try to find clues. We don't want the poor mortals to be harmed by the more dangerous fae, so we need to make sure they can't get in.
RPG-S: Since arriving in our fair city of Cragminster (Bregalla Empire), what are some of the things that you have taken part in? Maybe our world-class foods and drinks? Or maybe a visit to the storied halls of learning at the Lyceum of the Ancients. Or maybe you have visited one or more of the temples and shrines at the Pantheon of the Tuatha Dé Danann or the Pantheon of the Olympians on the Hills of the Heavens? Are there any sights you would still love to visit in our fair city while you are here?
Saoirse: While searching for answers to our little problem, I've been trying out all kinds of interesting things. The foods are different and very interesting here. I also have to admit I really like the way the mortals stare at me. I like to tease the cute ones and have a little fun with them. We just recently visited the Lyceum of the Ancients and I was very impressed with it - there was so much stuff there! I liked the cute little fae display, it reminded me of home. I look forward to seeing your temples soon too. Your architecture is very different but I am sure the gods and goddesses are still pleased with the design.
RPG-S: Is there anything you can tell our readers about this new group of people you now find yourself traveling with? Would you consider them new friends, or merely just new traveling companions? Any possible romantic interests? We promise, we'll keep it a secret just between us . . . and our readers of course.
Saoirse: Oh, they are all so interesting. I am so happy to be reunited with Greer, even if she is a bit different and won't talk much about what happened to her. The rest of them are quite fascinating. I hope some of them could become friends, or maybe even more than that. I won't say who though! We've been through a lot in a short amount of time, and we have some similar goals so I think we will be sticking together for a while.
RPG-S: We don't want to keep you too long today as we are sure that your current mission is very time consuming. Thank you so much for indulging our readers' curiosities and we look forward to many great things from you.
Saoirse: Thank you for having me! I am so glad to hear I am so popular with the mortals. Maybe we can do this again sometime after I have finished my mission?
Twitch & YouTube:
Since our very first livestreamed game in June 2024, we have been utilizing the Twitch streaming platform to share our live content and then uploading the recordings to our YouTube channel. Starting with our Tuesday, November 12th, Trapped in the Mists session, we are now multi-streaming on both Twitch and YouTube Live. From here on out all of our livestreamed content will automatically be available for viewing on YouTube. So, if you have a preference for either streaming platform, you will be able to watch the livestream, while also being able to chat with others on that platform, the other platform, or even our Discord group about the game in progress. For example, if you happen to watch our livestream on YouTube Live, you will still get to enjoy and participate in the chat conversations that are originating on Twitch and Discord as well.
As with all new groups, our viewership is starting a little slowly, but the more we stream, the more you get to know us and the more we grow. Below I am including our current streaming schedule and a link to our Twitch and YouTube channels so that you can come watch our adventures and occasional silliness.
Sometimes we are a little slow to get our Myths of Gaea and Trapped in the Mists recordings processed and uploaded, but you can find the past recordings of each of these livestreams over on our YouTube channel. You will also find music playlists for each of our Myths of Gaea characters and, in time, we will also be including interviews with our Champions, specialists in mythology and lore, and other TTRPG creators, groups, and businesses.
You can find the RPG Storytelling LLC YouTube channel at And make sure to like and subscribe so that you can be among the first to know when we upload new content to the channel.
Quotable Quips:
Freya: "Have we found any stone snakes in here?"
Gray: "I don't know, the statues haven't let me look under their kilts!"