Greetings and Salutations Fellow Citizens of Gaea,
Welcome to the third edition of our new monthly newsletter which we are calling the Gaean (pronounced gee-uhn) Gazette. This is also our last Gaean Gazette for 2024, we will be bringing you even more in 2025. Each month we will be bringing you a new edition filled with news about what is happening behind the scenes here at RPG Storytelling, updates on our flagship product Myths of Gaea, spotlights on our players (we call them Champions) and other Gaean Artisans, and any other news that we feel is important to share with you.
If you haven't done so already, I encourage you to subscribe to our website so that you will be among the first to learn about the world of RPG Storytelling and Myths of Gaea. You will also be the first to hear about new products and services, livestreaming schedule updates, new videos uploaded to our YouTube page, and more. You can find the Subscription link at the bottom of this and every page of the RPG Storytelling website.
What you'll find in this month's Gaean Gazette:
Twitch & YouTube
Quotable Quips (silly comments and conversations from our livestreams)
Seasons Greetings 2024:
Another year has come and gone, and now it is time to say some fond farewells to the memories we have shared over the course of the last twelve months. We here at RPG Storytelling LLC have had a lot of wonderful memories that we will forever cherish and they are all thanks to you, our mythic and much beloved friends, family, fans, and patrons. Here are just some of the many memories we would like to remember and celebrate with you:
RPG Storytelling LLC was officially formed as a recognized business entity in April 2024.
Our website was converted from a simple hobby website to a full-fledged business website with loads of resources for you, the future Champions and Myth Keepers of the Myths of Gaea.
We began developing Myths of Gaea as a fully fleshed out campaign gaming world for the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition game system.
We launched the Myths of Gaea livestream campaign during the summer of 2024.
We added our first (of hopefully many more) hosted livestream production (Trapped in the Mists) as part of our mission to support and promote the efforts of TTRPG creators and hobbyists.
And our most cherished memory of 2024 was that we got to know you as our friends and fans.
Everything we do here at RPG Storytelling LLC is for you, the fans and consumers of our livestream shows, merchandise, and other creations. Without you, life would be so much less exciting. We can't thank you enough for all of the wonderful memories you have helped us experience in 2024.
From our hearts, overflowing with love and gratitude, we wish each and every one of you an epic and mythic holiday season (e.g., Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, etc.) and a triumphantly amazing Happy New Year. We hope that each of you has a wonderful 2025 filled with even more epic memories and hope that we get to share at least a few of ours with you.
Moonbeam+ and StartPlaying.Games:
In an effort to further expand the RPG Storytelling LLC brand, we've begun the process of offering even more places to find us on the internet. We will still have our website (which you are viewing right now), Facebook, Instagram, the occasional post on TikTok, our Discord server, and of course Twitch and YouTube Live for watching us stream our games.
We will now be introducing two new venues for you to find and interact with us. Moonbeam+ (Livestreaming platform) and StartPlaying.Games.
Starting with our next Myths of Gaea (session 6) livestream on January 4, 2025, in addition to our current livestreaming venues, Twitch and YouTube Live, we will now be multi-streaming on a brand new platform as well. Currently still in its Alpha release, Moonbeam+ is a brand new streaming platform which has been developed by its creators to offer a streaming platform that is more highly focused on Tabletop Roleplaying Games (TTRPGs) and other games played at a physical or digital tabletop. The RPG Storytelling realm on Moonbeam+ will be our newest livestreaming home for all of our future Myths of Gaea and Trapped in the Mists livestreams beginning in January 2025. If you would like to join us on Moonbeam+ before it is more widely opened to the general public, you may use this link to become a Citizen of Gaea within the RPG Storytelling realm (there are currently 80 seats available using this link).
Have you ever wanted to play Dungeons & Dragons but don't know where to start? Maybe you and some of your friends or family would like to play but don't know how to start and lead a gaming campaign? Or maybe you have had troubles with a past Game Master or gaming group and would like to try again with a group that is welcoming, inclusive to all, and a safe place to enjoy your hobby without fear of prejudice, discrimination, or other aggressions?
In January 2025, our founder, Sarah Flowers, will begin offering her services as a professional Game Master on the StartPlaying.Games website. Initially she will be offering 1 - 2 campaign-level games that are based on the Curse of Strahd adventure created by Wizards of the Coast; they can be found under the game named Riddle of the Mists. Eventually, she will even start offering games based on the Myths of Gaea campaign world being created by RPG Storytelling.
If you would like to join one of her campaigns to be offered starting in January, you can follow this link: Sarah Flowers on StartPlaying.Games. Currently her services as a professional Game Master will be offered at the rate of $15 per player / per session played (average 3 - 4 hours per session). For this amount, players will receive a fully immersive and welcoming game and gaming environment (no other supplied needed) and all you have to do is bring your imagination and your love for spending time with friends new and old.
Myths of Gaea - Development Updates:
We are currently putting the finishing touches on the Lyceum of the Ancients, a repository of knowledge and a home for the study of all things Atlantean. It has been a lot of fun getting to design this educational institution, detail its millennia-long history of leaders and significant events, establish its hierarchical structure of membership and leadership, and other juicy tidbits. We even established the Lyceum's centuries old nemesis, the League of the Arcane, a rival institution that was built from disenfranchised members of the Lyceum itself.
Next up on our agenda is to create a series of magical items for the world of Gaea that we will be calling the Gifts of the Gods. These Gifts of the Gods are a series of magical items, tools, and weaponry either used by the gods or created by them for use by their champions. Some of the Gifts of the Gods, such as the Sword of Danu currently being used by Freya Valisson in our Myths of Gaea livestreamed campaign, will start out acting like a barely magical item and then grow to their full potential as the character attuned to them grows to their own full potential. For those who are familiar with Critical Role, these are very similar to the Vestiges of Divergence.
These and many other non-deific magical items will help our Champions and yours to battle against the forces of darkness and chaos that were unleashed when Pandora opened her pithos (jar or box) and released evil upon the world of mortals.
Once we wrap up the last details of the Lyceum of the Ancients and have crafted the mythic artifacts known as the Gifts of the Gods, we will begin detailing many of the known locations and landmarks that can be found around the continent of Haeslios (modern day British Isles). Other things that are currently on our agenda are:
creating a number of races/species and subclasses that players can select in the process of building their characters.
creating non-deific magical weapons, armors, and other items that players (and NPCs) can utilize in the game.
creating a number of new creatures, monsters, and villains that players might encounter during their adventures.
finish drafting the numerous Celtic gods that will be included in our version of the Tuatha de Dannan.
Twitch & YouTube:
We will be taking a little bit a break from our livestreaming schedule so that the casts of both Myths of Gaea and Trapped in the Mists can spend the holidays with our friends and family. But fear not, we are looking forward to many more adventures in 2025 and beyond.
On Saturday, January 4th, 2025, at 8:00pm (Pacific) we will be livestreaming Myths of Gaea on Twitch, YouTube Live, and our brand new Moonbeam+ streaming channels. We are also currently looking into the possibilities of an earlier timeslot and adding a second session each month for your viewing pleasure. We will keep you informed as we figure things out . . . scheduling, the bane of every gaming group.
On Tuesday, January 7th, 2025, at 5:00pm (Pacific), and on every Tuesday thereafter, we will be livestreaming the continuing adventures of Trapped in the Mists | A Curse of Strahd Adventure. We look forward to thrilling continuation of the party's quest to end the tyranny of Count Strahd von Zarovich.
Here's where you can find our livestreams and past session videos:
You can find the RPG Storytelling LLC YouTube channel at And make sure to like and subscribe so that you can be among the first to know when we upload new content to the channel.
Quotable Quips:
(from "Trapped in the Mists")
Gawain: "Would you like a companion?"
Misty: "Like a boyfriend? Sure!"
Gawain: "No like a fuzzy one."
Everyone stares at each other in furry.