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Olympian - Theoi Polemikoi


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Greek Name


Roman Name





Victory (nikê)

NIKE (Nicé) was the winged goddess of victory--victory both in war and in peaceful competition. When Zeus was gathering allies at the start of the Titan War, Styx brought her four children Nike (Victory), Zelos (Rivalry), Kratos (Cratus Strength) and Bia (Force) into the god's service. Nike was appointed his charioteer and together the four became sentinels of Zeus' throne.

Nike was depicted in ancient Greek vase painting with a variety of attributes including a wreath or sash to crown a victor, an oinochoe and phiale (bowl and cup) for libations, a thymiaterion (incense burner), an altar, and a lyre for the celebration of victory in song. In scenes of the War of the Giants she appears as the charioteer of Zeus. In mosaic art and coins Nike is often shown holding a palm branch as a symbol of victory.

Nike was closely identified with the goddess Athena and at times was little more than an attribute of the goddess. Nike was sometimes multiplied into a host of Nikai (Nicae, Victories).

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