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Childbirth, Pains of Labor




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Greek Name


Roman Name



Eileithyia, Ilithyia

Lucina, Natio

Relieve (elêluthyia)

EILEITHYIA (Ilithyia) was the goddess of childbirth and labour pains. According to some there were two Eileithyiai (Eileithyiae)--one who furthered birth and one who protracted the labour. Her name means "she who comes to aid" or "relieve" from the Greek word elêluthyia. Her Roman counterpart was Lucina ("Light bringer") or Natio ("Birth").

When Alkmene (Alcmena) was in labour with Herakles (Heracles), Hera sent Eileithyia to stay the birth and so kill mother and child. However, Alkmene's handmaiden Galinthias spied the goddess seated before the door with her arms and legs crossed, and cried "a son is born." The goddess leapt up in surprise, releasing her magical grip on the womb, allowing the child to be born. Eileithyia was furious at being tricked by the woman and transformed Galinthias into a polecat.

Eileithyia was depicted as a woman wielding a torch, representing the burning pains of childbirth, or with her arms raised in the air to bring the child to the light. She was closely identified with the goddesses Hera and Artemis, both of whom bore epithets of her name.

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