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Earth and Space

Myths of Gaea

A new campaign world environment for the well-loved Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition - WotC) game system.


Set on an alternate reality version of our very own Earth, 42,000 years before our present. The world is still filled with myth and magic while the Greek & Celtic deities who created the world still walk amongst us, living out the myths that made them gods.

While the application of the myths within the game may vary, the mythology of Greek and Celtic deities stand on their own. Learn about their stories from the Greek & Celtic myths and legends that actually created them.

Danu - Faerie Queene (No Bkgnd) (3600x4500).png
Old World Map

Using our own Earth as the basis for this world means that we get to use the continental landmasses that we know and love today. But these landmasses are known by very different names and each has its own collections of kingdoms, dynasties, and empires.

Gaea (also known as Gaia or Ge) is the ancient Greek word for our planet Earth. But this name is also associated with the Greek primordial goddess who is believed to be the mother of all creation, she is Mother Earth. Here is her story. 

Image by Kyle Pasalskyj

Played on the first Saturday of each month, this ongoing game campaign is our way of enjoying the world of Gaea, while at the same time using it as a creation and development arena that one day soon you will get to play in as well.

Party Picture (Official Artwork).png
Image by Sohaib Al Kharsa

As the campaign continues, you can find session summaries here. The newest episodes will be at the top of the ever-growing list of journal entries.

Gaean Development

As we work behind the scenes to develop the various game sourcebooks, you can find news and updates about what we are working on and things we have created for you to use in your own Myths of Gaea campaign.

Working on laptop
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