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The Mythology of Gaea

The various lands of Gaea are not governed just by their history, but also by factions and faiths striving to achieve a myriad of goals, fighting for conflicting ideals, and vying for the power to come out on top. Most believe the deities of Gaea to be locked behind the Great Wall of Divinity and thus prevented from walking upon the land in material form, but they still have ways of putting their thumbs on the scales of history through their mortal followers. Such followers include clerics with the power to cast mighty spells, paladins who wield blades alight with idealistic verve, warlocks with a hunger for the power they can only get from their patron, and untold thousands of common folk whose voices can affect the decisions of even the most powerful leaders of the land.

Image by QZheng W

At the end of the War of the Tuatha Dé Danann, a powerful barrier was erected between the Material Plane and the supernatural realms of the Outer Plane. The Great Wall of Divinity sealed all gods, from all pantheons, within their respective domains. If the Great Wall of Divinity were to crumble by the unanimous efforts of the Tuatha Dé Danann or other pantheons, all powers would be unleashed, threatening a devastating armageddon. Thus, the gods patiently watch their creations from beyond the veil, aiding their faithful with what small power they can send through the barrier.


While the Great Wall of Divinity still stands strong and seemingly impervious to crumbling, small holes and cracks may be found. The gods and goddesses remain locked behind the wall, but these holes and cracks allow them to occasionally send Aspects of themselves down to the Material Plane to affect the natural environment, produce demigod offspring, and influence the events of the mortal world.


Some lesser idols, such as archdevils, demon lords, fiends, and celestials of near-divine power, as well as a number of unaccounted-for demigods reside among the planes. They are affected by the Great Wall of Divinity, preventing them from crossing it of their own volition, yet are not so bound by it that they cannot be summoned by mortal magic.


The following gods are recommended as the existing Gaean pantheon, but these are only a recommendation as their are other pantheons that are worshipped across the breadth of Gaea. As long as the Myth Keeper (Game Master or Dungeon Master) and the players agree, you are welcome to tailor, alter, or completely change the gods in your Gaea campaign to fit your needs. The domains listed are the likely choices for followers of that deity, but these are not the only options.


Divine Domains


Most clerics, paladins, and warlocks (or other religiously gifted Champions) can gain their magic from a single god, or even from a number of gods that share domains or divine provinces. Ultimately, how your character serves the gods or their core religious philosophies is for you and your Myth Keeper to discuss. Each god in this section has a number of Divine Domains from which many of their followers are granted power.


Nevertheless, almost all deities can have followers who gain the power of any domain, if you and your Myth Keeper agree.


This ancient Greek pantheon serves as the primary pantheon for the continent of Krioslos (Europe). While originating in Krioslos, worship of the Olympians has spread beyond the continent to the shores of Haeslios (British Isles) and beyond.


Tuatha Dé Dannan

The ancient Celtic pantheon serves as the primary pantheon for the continent of Haeslios (British Isles). While primarily confined to the lands of Haeslios, the influence of the Tuatha Dé Dannan can be found throughout the northern and western regions of Krioslos.



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